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My name is Jamie.

Photos have always captured my attention and held a special piece of my heart. It started when I was a little girl. My father was the memory catcher in our family. He gifted me my first camera when I was very young and I don't know that I've put down a camera since. My passion for photography went into overdrive when I became a mother to a beautiful little girl. I wanted to remember everything, and I knew that as time went on, my memories would become foggy. For me, the importance of photographs is to tell a story from a second in time. As parents, how often do we utter the words “I wish I could freeze time”? The closest we’ll ever get to freezing time, is looking back on tangible memories - frozen moments in time. Moments that document the firsts, the favorites, the things that make you smile and maybe even give you that lump in your throat. The newborn flaky skin, the thigh rolls, drooly chin, dimples, crooked smiles, curls, freckles, mischievous laughs ….Life can change in the blink of an eye. This is why I believe in documenting the now. You’ll never regret having too many photos.

“A picture is simply a memory frozen in time.”

Jamie Vining Photography
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